January 19, 2007

Calloway's Nursery February Tip

Timely Tip for February Gardeners:

Pruning Your Landscape

Pruning is both an art and a necessary maintenance function. Most trees and shrubs can be lightly pruned at any time, however, mid-winter is generally the best time for major pruning.

Plants that flower in the spring produce their flower buds the previous growing season. They should be pruned immediately after flowering. Examples of these plants are Azalea, Carolina Jessamine and Wisteria.

Summer flowering plants generally bloom on new growth so they can be pruned in mid-winter to early spring. Examples are Crape Myrtle, Butterfly Bush, Spiraea and Honeysuckle. Never top a Crape Myrtle. Prune to remove seed heads, to thin out or to remove damaged branches or ones which are rubbing together.

Shade trees, evergreen shrubs and groundcovers should be pruned in mid-winter. The flush of new growth in spring will cover where cuts were made. Pruning paint is not necessary unless you are pruning Oak trees during the growing season.

February is the best time for pruning most Roses. Remove any old and diseased canes then cut remaining canes back by 50 percent. Make your cuts above a bud that faces away from the center of the plant. Remove spent blooms on bush roses and you will get more flowers later in the season. Prune climbing roses after they finish blooming in the spring.

Trim back perennials and ornamental grasses before the new growth appears in spring. Clean up around the plants and mulch well to protect them.

Prune your plants wisely. If you have any questions, please stop by and ask any of our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals!