At our Regional Crime Watch Meeting chaired by Chief Easterling, we decided to focus on residential burglaries over the next 8 weeks. We came up with the following list of items to work on. We need your help in fighting crime in NorthEast Dallas. Here’s what you can do:
- Become Active in VIP (Volunteers in Patrol)
- Have house numbers clearly labeled on the front and BACK of your property so emergency vehicles can quickly find it.
- Communicate with your neighbors. Who are they, what are their patterns, when is there a suspicious vehicle in their driveway, when are they going out of town.
- Call 911 as soon as you see someone / something suspicious. Do not hesitate.
- Secure your garage. Close it. Do not create temptations for thieves.
- Secure your home, check window & door locks. Videotape your belonging for insurance purposes, keep receipts to prove the property you own. Etch your driver’s license number on your valuables so they can quickly be identified in pawn shops.
Residential burglaries happen during the day time when most people are away at work. If you happen to work from home, be a stay at home parent, or be home during regular work hours, please keep an extra keen eye on the neighborhood during these times. The criminals know our patterns and prefer to strike when no one is around. Let’s surprise them and let them know we are watching their every move.