May 7, 2007

Reminder: Quarterly Neighborhood Meeting Tomorrow, May 8th @ LHUMC

The L Streets Board of Directors encourages everyone to attend the upcoming L Streets General Meeting this Tuesday, May 8th. We will be discussing several key issues that are of interest to our neighborhood, including the Northwest Terrace Apartment situation. We have several guest speakers (Bill Blaydes, Steve Wakefield, Jerry Allen, Sherry Harrison) and a full agenda, so we ask that you arrive on time as we will be beginning at 7:00PM sharp.

Please see meeting location, time and agenda below.

Thanks and we hope to see you there!

L Streets 2nd Quarter General Meeting

Tuesday, May 8th 2007

7:00PM – 8:30PM


Lake Highlands United Methodist Church

9015 Plano Rd.

Dallas, TX 75238

Park on the McCree side of the church and enter the doors that face McCree Road. The doors are marked Family Life Center and is the meeting is located in the Fellowship Hall.


7:00PM – Welcome from former President, Jorge Chavez
7:05PM – Announcement regarding Board of Director changes
*Welcome New Members
*Newsletter Thanks
*Spring Promotion Horticulture Thanks
*Yard of the Month Kickoff
*Curb Numbering Initiative
*Membership Dues Reminder
7:15PM – Introduction of Guest Speaker / Presentation
Shery Harrison - VP Operations of Elizabeth Newman Custom Homes

7:35PM – Questions and Answers
7:45PM – Update & Discussion Regarding NW Terrace Apartments
*Bill Blaydes – District 10 Councilman, City of Dallas
*Steve Wakefield – President, Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association
*Jerry Allen – Candidate District 10 Councilman
8:30PM – Adjourned