Timely Tip for November Gardeners from
Calloway’s Nursery
Planting Spring Flowering Bulbs in Fall
Spring flowering bulbs are such a welcoming sight after those long Winter months. Many of the Spring flowering bulbs require an artificial “chilling” process before they can be planted. This is generally accomplished by placing the bulbs in a paper bag in the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator for six to eight weeks prior to planting. However, Calloway’s Nursery is offering to do that for you. We have many varieties of Tulips, Hyacinths and Narcissus which you can purchase from our stores now and pick-up in December ready to plant. Let us simplify those “chilling” requirements!
We also will be offering pre-chilled Tulips and Narcissus bulbs online at http://mytexasgarden.com/index.php/estore/.
When planting bulbs, the general rule is to plant them at a depth three times the diameter of the bulb. Use Calloway’s Blood & Bone Meal at planting for added nutrients. Plant the bulbs pointed end up, cover with soil and water thoroughly. For the best display, plant bulbs in clusters or uneven numbers. Apply two to three inches of mulch on top of the bed.
For more information on bulbs, visit any of our Calloway’s stores and talk with one of our Texas Certified Nursery Professionals.